Pastor Tammy McNair
Wednesday Morning Inspiration
Wednesday Morning Inspiration was birthed in 2009. Recordings of a Kingdom Sistahs sharing a teaching, a testimony, or whatever the Lord laid upon her heart. To listen to one the recording dial 712-432-0211, access code: 958242#.
NOTE: The conference call line has a feature that allows you to hear all the recordings as long as you have a reference code! Below are the reference codes:
Reference 7#
SC Intercessory Prayer Recording (Elder Tammy McNair, Rev. Nora Jones, Evangelist Beverly Goodwin, Evangelist Anita Bryant, & Sister Johnetta Keeve)
Look Before You Leap - Pastor Trena Stephenson
It's Time - Elder Tammy McNair
Evangelist Beverly Goodwin
Be Holy for I am Holy, Part 2
Reference 3#
Evangelist Beverly Goodwin, Title: Be Holy for I am Holy, Part 1
Elder Tammy McNair
What Are You Waiting for, Just A.S.K?
Evangelist Anita Bryant (available on conference line until Wednesday, June 7)
Title: Hang in There and Don't Give Up (Galatians 6:9)
Sis Johnetta Keeve (available on conference line until Wednesday, May 19)
Title: Temperance or Tantrum Don't Embarrass God (Ephesians 5:15-16)
Elder Winnie Walker (available on conference line until Wednesday, May 5)
Title: Let the Sifting Begin (Luke 22:31-32)
Pastor Lisa Avery (available on conference line until Wednesday, April 14)
Title: Are YOU Just Living? (Book of Ruth)
Elder Tammy McNair (available on conference line until Wednesday, April 7)
Title: Loyalty Captures the Heart of God (Psalm 37:4, 2 Samuel 23:14-17)
Evangelist Anita Bryant (available on conference line until Wednesday, March 24)
Title: God is a Strategizer
Evangelist Beverly Goodwin (available on conference line until Wednesday, March 17)
Title: Let's Take Our Devotion to another Level
Pastor Trena Stephenson (available on conference line until Wednesday, March 10)
Title: There is a Spiritual Earthquake Coming are YOU Listening? (Matthew 24)
Elder Tammy McNair (was not recorded)
Title: Don't Get Stuck in the Process (Genesis 38 - Story of Joseph)
Rev. Nora Jones (available on conference line until Wednesday, February 17)
Title: Joy in the Midst of Uncomfortable Circumstances (Philippians 4)
Evangelist LaJeune Farmer (available on conference line until Wednesday, February 10)
Title: Stay Focused (Matthew 6:33, Romans 12:1-2)
Elder Tammy McNair (available on conference line until Wednesday, February 3)
Title: Be Aware of Your Associations (2 Timothy 2:15-21, 23-26)
Rev. Nora Jones (available on conference line until Wednesday, January 27)
Title: Be Careful Where Sit in 2010 (Psalm 1)
Elder Tammy McNair (available on conference line until Wednesday, January 13)
Title: Exercise Your Kingdom Authority (Luke 10:17-19)
Evangelist Anita Bryant
Title: Turn from Your Wicked Ways
Evangelist Beverly Goodwin
Title: Forgiveness
Elder Winnie Walker
Title: What's In Your Cup