Overseer (Pastor) Tammy McNair
Ministry Events
Come Join Us at our Next Event!

Come Join Us for an Empowering Weekend of Impartation and Activation to Evolve Unapologetically!
Click link below to Register for the Retreat
2024 Sister Circle Annual Retreat - SisterCircleRetreat | Brushfire
Registration Deadline: Friday, November 1st
REGISTRATION CHECK-IN at 7:30PM – Thursday, November 14th
Roland E. Powell Convention Center
Room 217
For pick-up of Retreat Bag/Materials
Friday, November 15, 2024
Opening ~ Morning Glory (Prayer, Praise and Worship) at 9:30am
Room 217
Hotel Options / Room Cost
Option 1: Double Tree Hotel
(0.6 miles from Ocean City Convention Center)
$99 plus tax Thursday night
$144 plus tax Friday night
Book your room under “Sister Circle Room Block”
Room Reservation Deadline: Friday, October 25th
Call 410-289-1234
Double Beds must be requested by all attendees
Option 2: Holiday Inn Hotel
(1 ½ miles from Ocean City Convention City)
$69 plus tax Thursday night
$84 plus tax Friday night
Book your room under “Sister Circle Room Block”
Room Reservation Deadline: Friday, October 25th
Call 410-524-1600
Double Beds must be requested by all attendees
For additional information visit website www.SCMinistries04.com
or email Sistercircle2003@aol.com or Pea2601@gmail.com
See you in Ocean City!!!
Retreat Speakers Biography
Pastor Regina L. Smith
Pastor Regina L. Smith Pastor Regina Smith was born in 1964 in Washington, District of Columbia. Pastor Smith, along with her mother and siblings worshipped at Morning Star Pentecostal Church under the late Bishop Ramsey N. Butler and served under his successor Bishop Charles E. Johnson. She was baptized in Jesus’ name and received the Holy Ghost at the age of twelve. In Pastor Smith’s young adult years, she worked faithfully in the Music Department as choir directress of the Gospel Choir, Assistant choir directress of the Mass Choir, and as a lead vocalist of a group the “Gospel Seasons”.
In September 1985, Pastor Smith was joined in holy matrimony to Bishop H. Evan Smith, Sr. who was called to the pastorate in July 1990. Under the auspices of her husband, now Senior Pastor, they both presided over Agape Assembly Ministries, New Beginnings Ministries, Christ Kingdom Empowerment Outreach Center in Baltimore, Maryland and currently Christ Kingdom Culture Center in Clinton, Maryland. She has served in the following capacities: co-founder, trustee, ordained elder, teacher, preacher, program and conference coordinator, conference speaker, choir directress, anointed psalmist, and worship leader.
Pastor Smith’s was educated in the District of Columbia public school system and in December 1982, was employed with Dettra Communications Company as an Office Clerk. Entering the workforce, she became a full-time employee as an Exam Clerk for (NICET) National Institute of Certification in Engineering Technologies, Inc. Testing Services Department. She received various promotions (Data Entry Operator, Special Testing Coordinator, Financial Coordinator, Assistant Manager to Testing Services Manager). Her tenor lasted for approximately 29 years of loyal and dedicated service.
**Pastor Smith qualified for the inclusion in the United Who’s Who Registry 2002-2003 edition in Deerfield, FL.**Pastor Smith received recognition with The Manchester Who’s Who Registry of Executives and Professionals 2005-2006 edition, Garden City, NY.
August 2019 to present, Pastor Smith operates part-time as an entrepreneur businesswoman in the Health and Wellness. In February 2022, Pastor Smith launched her 90 Day Coaching Program as she helps to “Empower Christian Women to Gain Confidence, Find Financial Freedom, and Reinvent Themselves So They Can Reignite the Fire of Passion and Purpose in Their Lives.”
Some of Pastor Smith’s other accomplishments include:
• A certification of completion from Evangelical Training Association (ETA). • Graduate of Liberty University Institute of Biblical Studies.
• Received an Honorary Doctorate Degree in Christian Education from the International Apostolic University of Grace and Truth, Dayton OH. (Pentecostal Assemblies of the World)
• Appointment as the Superintendent of Christian Education.
• Women’s Ministry President.
• Ministry Advisor to the following Ministries: Finance Ministry, Music Ministry, Praise & Worship Teams, Choir Ministry, Prophetic Dance & Arts Ministry.
Pastor Smith received the calling of God to preach and in 2006, she was ordained as an Elder in the Lord’s Church at the United Cornerstone Churches International Holy Convocation, Thomasville, NC under Bishop James Carter, Presiding Prelate. In 2011, Pastor Smith was appointed to the office of “Prophetess/Intercessor” and to the position of Executive Pastor of CKCC.
Pastor Smith is the proud mother of four adult children and grandmother of 6 grandchildren. The Lord blessed her marriage of 35 years to her beloved husband the late Bishop H. Evan Smith, Sr. and they celebrated 30 years of Ministry together until the Lord called him home in April 2021 to go from labor to reward! September 2021, Pastor Smith was installed as the Senior Pastor of Christ Kingdom Culture Center by His Grace, Bishop James D. Nelson, Sr. Presiding Prelate of World Assemblies of Restoration, Inc and Covering. **Pastor Smith is currently working on a few monumental projects and the launch dates will to be announced soon. The Lord continues to bless Pastor Smith with an anointed teaching/preaching ministry. She truly loves the Lord, and she has stood the test of time. She is a woman of experience, wisdom, love, faith, prayer, and power. She has chosen to dedicate her life to being a true and humble “Servant Leader” in the Lord’s vineyard
Apostle Theresa Hawkins
Theresa R. Hawkins is Radical, Energetic, Passionate, Sharp, and Uncompromising of the Word of God. Apostle Theresa flows in a strong fiery anointing that allows her to speak and operate with authority.
Theresa's passion is to minister the love of God to people, whom society typically defines as dysfunctional, which causes them to be overlooked. She also has a strong passion for youth, young adults, and the young at heart.
Theresa's mandate is to raise up, equip and train bold leaders in God’s purpose. As a wife, mother, spiritual leader, model, life strategist coach, and entrepreneur, she is called to direct people towards the path of their purpose and destiny. She is a leader in her community, uniting community partners and serving through organizing several community events to meet the needs of the community, such as: iGive, Uniting our City, Hot Spot, Community Day of Love, Fall In Love With Family, and Community Baby Shower.
Theresa is the founder and CEO of Theresa Hawkins Global, and Hawkins Global LLC. She and her husband, Pastor Tiant Hawkins, Sr. are the Senior Leaders of The PORT Equipping Center in York, PA. She is supported by her husband, Tiant Hawkins Sr., and her three children Shayaira, Tiant Jr., and Shiauntaye
Apostle Trena Stephenson
Apostle Trena Stephenson is a woman of Excellency, Inspiration, and Compassion. She believes in empowering others by speaking truth that comes from the unadulterated Word of God. Born and reared in the church, the Lord entered and influenced her life early, under the ministry of her parents, Pastor (Chaplain) Charles Jackson and First Lady Nina Jackson. Trena answered the call of ministry in 1993, which was followed by many years of servitude in ministry. She was later ordained as a Prophetess at Radical Apostolic Power International Ministries, under the leadership of Senior Pastor Apostle Antonio Briggs.
Apostle Stephenson was ordained as an Elder through Bible-way Churches of America Worldwide, under the Presiding Prelate and Chief Apostle Cornelius Showell. And in December 2010, Apostle Stephenson was elevated to the office of Overseer of Woman of God, Inc. After hearing the call of God and being found suitable for a greater responsibility, Apostle Stephenson accepted the appointment to serve God's people as an Apostle in the Lord's Church. And in October 2013, she was affirmed and Consecrated by the hand of Chief Apostle Dr. William Billups and Manifest Kingdom Global College of Bishops and Apostles to the position and vocation of Apostle of Protocol and Northern Region Prelate where she served faithfully for 2 years.
In May 2019, under the leading of the Lord, Apostle Stephenson united with Dominion’s Prophetic & Apostolic Coalition Transcontinental effectually know as D’Pact , under the leadership of Apostle Dr. Yolanda Powell and Pastor William Powell. Apostle Stephenson serves as a mentor to diverse groups of women from various denominations and backgrounds. She also serves as Founder and Presiding Prelate of Bridge of Hope Deliverance Ministries & Fellowship of Churches, which currently provides oversight to several ministries nationally/internationally.
Apostle Stephenson has been afforded many ministry opportunities/speaking engagements to travel throughout the United States, as well as overseas, in locations such as: Africa, Poland, Paris, Israel Jamaica and various cities in Germany.
Another component to the ministry of Apostle Stephenson is the radio/television broadcasting and programming. She has been featured as a special guest on these broadcasts: “The Wenda Royster Show,” a radio broadcast of Radio One; Rejoice TV Network; TBN (Trinity Broadcasting Network), and Preach the Word Network. Not only has Apostle Stephenson been interviewed on shows, she has been the interviewer. In April 2008, Apostle Stephenson became the Executive Producer and Creative Director for Daughters of Distinction TV, which housed two shows; Daughters of Distinction Live and Let’s Talk, whose last air date was in 2016. Both shows previously aired on Rejoice TV Network in MD and DC. On May 7, 2011, Apostle Stephenson launched “The Fullness of God” Radio Broadcast airing live across the globe via Daily Living Network. The network, along with Roku and The Dish World TV Networks has partnered to produce “insightful and life-edifying” programs such as: “The Fullness of God” broadcast, as well as, Daughters of Distinction’s “Let’s Talk” and so much more. Both mentioned broadcasts are not currently airing, due to the focal point being The Bridge Alliance that was started in 2016. However, plans for the relaunching of both broadcasts are in the making for the near future.
Apostle Stephenson’s unconventional ways to relate and touch God’s children in all walks of life has been what makes her ministry unique. This can be seen by Apostle Stephenson’s mounting passion and expertise for writing and helping others. As a result, Daughters of Distinction (DOD) LLC, was birthed in 2008. And in 2010, under the DOD umbrella, Apostle Stephenson launched Soar Magazine, an online publication to empower and encourage the people God. This has been yet another publishing ministry that Apostle Stephenson has been able to share with others, as well as, her platform to highlight other ministry leaders, writers, psalmists, artists and authors for the edifying of His Kingdom. She has authored and compiled several books and has produced a number of titles under the book publishing component of DOD. Some of the book titles include, “My Secret Place”, “Seven Ingredients To An Effective Prayer Life”, “And He Still Hears”, just to name a few. She also birthed “The Fullness of God” Book Series, the four-installment series released over the course of the year in 2011, in which, a number of anointed and appointed coauthors penned powerful and prolific writings. And since that time, a number of additional titles and books series have been published in the year 2012.
Apostle Stephenson has many spiritual children who love and respect her; however she has also been blessed by God to be a wonderful mother to her daughter, Trea Stephenson and grandmother of one. Her love for the Lord is demonstrated by the lives she touches in her church home, community and throughout the world.
Lastly, to find out more information about the ministry, media and/or messages from this powerful woman of God please visit these websites: www.wofgod.org, www.dofdllc.com, http;//bridgeinternationalmissions.org, http://www.blingbyapostlet.com and www.dailylivingnetwork.net
~ BIO's will be posted soon ~
Pastor Dr. Tammy Washington
Pastor, Dr. Tammy L Washington, is a dedicated International Pastor with over 15 years in Ministry and Missions, and resides in Atlanta, GA. Dr. Tammy Washington has a special interest in Missions across the Globe and has traveled Globally over the past 15 years doing ministry and missions with a special interest in African countries.
Dr. Tammy Washington was ordained as a Pastor in October of 2014, under the leadership of Rev. Edward Arhourne of God's Life Gospel Mission Int’l in Eku State, Nigeria. Dr. Tammy Washington received a Honorary Doctorate Degree in Divinity and Humanity in June of 2024 from Kingdom Excellence Leadership Institute/University in Accra, Ghana. Dr. Tammy Washington also served as a Leader of the Action Chapel
Ministries, in Accra, Ghana under the Leadership of Archbishop Nicholas Duncan-Williams (Papa) for many years. Dr. Tammy Washington is the founder of Tammy Washington Ministries International.
Dr. Tammy Washington has two children, Andre and D’Asia and two grandsons
Psalmist Schley Chase
Worship Leader
Minister Melissa Smith
Prophetic Liturgical Dance